Meer weten over de wetenschappelijke basis van BENEFIT for all? Verdiep je hier in de interessantste gepubliceerde onderzoeken uit het gezondheidsveld!

Overzicht publicaties BENEFIT

Wetenschappelijke publicaties BENEFIT






  • Brouwers, R.W.M. Van Exel, H.J., Van Hal, J.M. C., Jorstad, H.T., De Kluiver, E.P., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Kuijpers, P.M.J.C., Van der Linde, M.R., Spee, R.F., Sunamura, M., Uszko-Lencer, N.H.M. K., Vromen, T., Wittekoek, M.E., & Kemps, H.M.C. for the Committee for Cardiovascular Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology. (2020). Cardiac telerehabilitation as an alternative to centre-based cardiac rehabilitation. Netherlands Heart Journal, 28(9), 443–451. 



2017 en eerder

Rapportages BENEFIT




Presentaties BENEFIT



  • IJzerman, R.V.H. (2020, December). They do as the cardiologist says: The relationship between message source, message framing, and lifestyle change. Poster presentation at the CVOI Preventieve Cardiologie en Hartrevalidatie congress, The Netherlands.
  • Janssen, V.R. (2020, November). Psychosociale gevolgen na COVID-19. Nascholing bedrijfsartsen.

  • Janssen, V.R. (2020, November). Belang van het betrekken van het patientenperspectief. Netwerkbijeenkomst innovatieproject ‘Hartstilstand zonder getuigen’.

  • Cohen Rodrigues, T., Reijnders, T., de Buisonjé, D.R., Kowatsch, T., Janssen, V.R., Kraaijenhagen, R. A., Atsma, D., Evers, A.W.M. (2020, June). Virtual coaches: How do labels, human cues and working alliance affect intervention adherence and effectiveness? Conference abstract for Supporting Health by Tech. 
  • IJzerman, R.V.H. (2020, June). Kunnen we Nederland gezonder laten leven door gezond gedrag te belonen? Oral presentation at the Amsterdam UMC Cardiology HEART research meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Janssen, V.R. & Kraaijenhagen, R.A. (2020, June). BENEFIT & Blended PEP. Oral presentation for the BENEFIT Stakeholdercommittee
  • Kraaijenhagen, R.A. (2020, June) Telemedicine in preventive cardiology: the answer to all our problems? EAPC Essentials 4 You
  • Kraaijenhagen, R.A. & Janssen, V.R. (2020, June). An ecosystem for healthy living for patients with cardiometabolic diseases. Oral presentation at the 4th Translational Cardiovascular Research Meeting, Hartstichting online.
  • Wentzel, J., Bente, B., Sieverink, F., Evers, A. W.M., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Janssen, V. R., Reijnders, T., Breeman, L.D., Van Gemert-Pijnen, L. (2020, June). User needs, requirements and usability issues of a platform for healthy Living: “BENEFIT for all”. Conference abstract for Supporting Health by Tech. 
  • Janssen, V.R. (2020, May). Angst en Veerkracht. Webinar Harteraad.

  • Janssen, V.R. (2020, April). Training Blended PEP & BENEFIT. Oral presentation for Vital 10 and Visiom Lifestlyle coaches.

  • Al-Dhahir I., Reijnders, T., Faber J., van den Berg-Emons, H., Visch, V., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Janssen., V.R., Chavannes, N., Evers., A.W.M. (2020, January). Opportunities and challenges in the development of eHealth lifestyle interventions for people with low socioeconomic status. Oral presentation at the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

  • Al-Dhahir I., Faber J. (2020, January). Ontwikkeling van een tool voor het ontwerpen van toegankelijke eHealth voor groepen met lage SES. Oral presentation at the LSH010 / Gezond010 ontbijt, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Cohen Rodrigues, T., de Buisonjé, D.R., Keesman, M., van der Geer, J., Reijnders, T., Janssen, V.R., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Atsma, D., Evers, A.W.M. (2020, January). CVD prevention and treatment through a healthy lifestyle: eHealth solutions based on interviews with healthcare professionals. Oral presentation at the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

  • Kraaijenhagen, R.A. (2020). Leefstijlgeneeskunde bij de behandeling van hart- en vaatziekten. Nascholing Integrative Medicine. AIM.

  • Reijnders, T. (2020, January). Veranderingen in gedrag als leefstijl interventie. Keynote presentatie, Nationaal Hypertensie Congres, The Netherlands.


  • Al-Dhahir, I. (2019, December). eHealth-leefstijlinterventies geschikter maken voor mensen met een lage SES. Oral presentation at the Vital10-BENEFIT Mini Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • Cohen Rodrigues, T. (2019, December). Het belang van een persoonlijke relatie in digitale leefstijlbegeleiding: Kan je een band opbouwen met een virtuele coach?. Oral presentation at the Vital10-BENEFIT Mini Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • De Buisonjé, D.R. (2019, December). Less carrot more stick: deposit contracts for health behavior change. Oral presentation at the Vital10-BENEFIT Mini Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • IJzerman, R.V.H. (2019, December). Voorwaarden voor duurzame implementatie. Oral presentation at the Vital10-BENEFIT Mini Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Al-Dhahir, I. (2019, November). Showcase BENEFIT for all. Informatiemarkt Digital Society Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Al-Dhahir, I., de Buisonjé, D., Cohen Rodrigues, T., Henrich, J.F. (2019, November). Beloningen voor een gezonder Nederland. Workshop at the Dag van het Gedrag, The Hague, the Netherlands.
  • IJzerman, R.V.H. & Rauwers, F. (2019, November). Namens het BENEFIT consortium: Kunnen we Nederland gezonder laten leven door gezond gedrag te belonen? Oral presentation and workshop at Samenwerkende GezondheidsFondsen, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Al-Dhahir, I. (2019, June). Low–socioeconomic status (SES) groups and the Box: Research proposal. Oral presentation at the LUMC-BENEFIT meeting, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • Al-Dhahir, I., de Buisonjé, D., Cohen Rodrigues, T., IJzerman, R. (2019, June). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Poster presentation at the 3rd translational cardiovascular research meeting: “The future belongs to the young”, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • Cohen Rodrigues, T. (2019, June). Coaching in the box: Research proposal. Oral presentation at the LUMC-BENEFIT meeting, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • De Buisonjé, D.R. (2019, June). Rewards in the box: Research proposal. Oral presentation at the LUMC-BENEFIT meeting, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • IJzerman, R.V.H. (2019, June). Implementatie onderzoek: Hoe maak je een doorverwijzing naar een leefstijlinterventie zo effectief mogelijk? Oral presentation at Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Cardiology department, LUMC-BENEFIT meeting, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • IJzerman, R.V.H. & Janssen, V.R. (2019, May). Let’s BENEFIT! Introductie bijeenkomst. Oral presentation at Cardiovitaal Courbetstraat Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Wentzel, M.J., Ten Klooster, I., & Sieverink, F. (2019, May). Structured approach to create eHealth personas that help to define intended use. Poster presentation at the Supporting Health By Technology conference, Groningen, the Netherlands. 
  • Wentzel, M. J., Sieverink, F., Ten Klooster, I., & Van Gemert-Pijnen, L. (2019, May). How Would You Like Your Tech? Personas for Perfectly Cooked eHealth Technology. Poster Presentation at the Supporting Health by Technology conference, Groningen, the Netherlands.
  • Al-Dhahir, I. (2019, April). Medical Delta & Benefit for all: towards an inclusive eHealth selfmanagement ecosystem for healthy living. Informatiemarkt Medical Delta Conference, Delft, The Netherlands.

  • Sieverink, F., Wentzel, M.J., Ten Klooster, I., & van Gemert-Pijnen, L. (2019, April). How Would You Like Your Tech? Personas for Perfectly Cooked eHealth Technology. Poster Presentation at the Persuasive Technology conference, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • De Buisonjé, D.R., van der Geer, J., IJzerman, R., Keesman, M., Wentzel, J., Sieverink, F., Kemps, H., Atsma, D., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Janssen, V.R. & Evers, A.W.M. (2019, January). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health Conference (ARPH), Egmond, The Netherlands.

  • Pinedo, S. (2019, January). Spreker openingsmanifestatie E-Health week ICT&Health


  • IJzerman, R., Van der Geer, J., De Buisonjé, D., Keesman, M. Sieverink, F., Wentzel, J., Scholte Op Reimer, W., Atsma, D. Kemps, H, Van Gemert-Pijnen, L., , Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V. R., Evers, A. W. M. (2018, November). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Poster presentation at the Digital Society Conference, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
  • De Buisonjé, D., van der Geer, J., IJzerman, R., Keesman, M., Wentzel, J., Sieverink, F., Kemps, H., Atsma, D., Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V.R., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018, June). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the Health by Tech conference, Enschede, The Netherlands.

  • Van der Geer, J., De Buisonjé, D., IJzerman, R., Keesman, M., Sieverink, F., Wentzel, J., Scholte Op Reimer, W., Atsma, D., Kemps, H., Van Gemert-Pijnen, L., Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V. R., & Evers, A. W. M. (2018, June). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Poster presentation at the LUBEC opening, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Evers, A.W.M. (2018, May). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the World Congress of Psychotherapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • IJzerman, R., van der Geer, J., de Buisonjé, D., Keesman, M. Sieverink, F., Wentzel, J., Scholte Op Reimer, W., Atsma, D. Kemps, H, Van Gemert-Pijnen, L., , Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V.R., Evers, A.W.M. (2018, May). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Poster presentation at the eHealth Spring Event 2018: Data Science for Health & Prevention, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Kraaijenhagen, R. (May 2018). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the VGZ/ Zilveren Kruis congres voor jongeren zorgverzekeraars.
  • Kraaijenhagen, R. (May 2018). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the SKIPR congres Strategische Procesinnovatie.
  • Evers, A.W.M. (2018, April). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the E-Man congress, Haarlem, The Netherlands.

  • Evers, A.W.M. (2018, April). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the Noaber Foundation, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.

  • Evers, A.W.M., & Keesman, M. (2018, April). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the NCVGZ congress, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  • IJzerman, R., van der Geer, J., de Buisonjé, D., Keesman, M. Sieverink, F., Wentzel, J., Scholte Op Reimer, W., Atsma, D. Kemps, H, Van Gemert-Pijnen, L., , Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V.R,, Evers, A.W.M. (2018, April). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Poster presentation at the NCVGZ Nederlands Congres Volksgezondheid 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands.

  • Kraaijenhagen, R. (2018, April). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the Congress VWS Meet Up.
  • Janssen, V. R. (2018, March). BENEFIT: lukt het om gezonder te gaan leven als je daarmee spaart voor leuke dingen? Oral presentation at the Congres Hartrevalidatie en Cardiovasculaire Preventie – Preventie op maat, Ede, the Netherlands.

  • Van der Geer, J., De Buisonjé, D., IJzerman, R., Keesman, M., Sieverink, F., Wentzel, J., Scholte Op Reimer, W., Atsma, D., Kemps, H., Van Gemert-Pijnen, L., Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V. R., & Evers, A. W. M. (2018, March). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Poster presentation at the 2018 Conference for Cardiovascular Prevention and Revalidation, Ede, The Netherlands.
  • Keesman, M., De Buisonjé, D., Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V.R., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018, February). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Three brainwriting sessions at the Puls2018 Conference, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands.

  • Keesman, M, Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V. R., & Evers, A. W. M. (2018, February). We all BENEFIT: The ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the ZonMW Sustained Healthy Living symposium at the NCVGZ Conference, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands.
  • Keesman, M., De Buisonjé, D., Van der Geer, J., Atsma, D., Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V. R., & Evers, A. W. M. (2018, January). Using technology to reward health behaviors: Developments of the BENEFIT ecosystem for healthy living. Oral presentation at the 2018 ARPH conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

  • Van der Geer, J., De Buisonjé, D., IJzerman, R., Keesman, M., Sieverink, F., Wentzel, J., Scholte Op Reimer, W., Atsma, D., Kemps, H., Van Gemert-Pijnen, L., Kraaijenhagen, R., Janssen, V. R., & Evers, A. W. M. (2018, January). BENEFIT for all: The ecosystem for healthy living. Poster presentation at the 2018 ARPH conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

BENEFIT in de media